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  • Hello! ImGeckos, and after a few hours of playing this new update, I must say it's very impressive. I'm excited for the new servers being launched, and all the many more updates to come! I haven't seen so many players online since the olden times, it's really a great start to what looks like one of the best servers of 2015-2016. All new players are welcome! If you see me online, be sure to say hello. :) Congratulations to Dan and his staff team for the success. Adios :D
  • Thank you for the kind words! We really appreciate your gratitude :)
  • *What ImGeckos said*
  • It truly is a great update.
  • Bumping old threads :D!
  • *Cough,cough*, Mod-Tryhard, *cough,cough*
  • Massive bumped