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  • Okay first things first no I'm not coming back to dancraft which it has been a long time ~2013

    So mojang is now enforcing the EULA and black listing servers what will dancraft do? It's a pay to win game. (Ulti+Kitpvp) So wondering what will happen to dancraft because even if I did quit dancraft I still want my rank plus I want to know what will happen as in what will they change?
  • The EULA blacklisting only takes places when playing 1.9.3 so you cannot connect to the servers. The problem is if Dan doesn't do something about it they risk having the server taken down.
  • Yeah, if the server shuts down I want my $26 that I payed for gold in V3 back.
  • If the server gets black-listed, I will never play minecraft again. Dancraft is really the only server I play on. Other than that, I don't like minecraft at all, I'm not really a gaming person. The only reason I play minecraft is dancraft skyblock.
  • fawk mojang
    fawk the blacklist
    fawk the eula
  • ⧹⧸⧸⧹
  • The server shouldnt shut down. The shop is like the only thing thatll change :/
  • @RawrItsNikko the server WILL shutdown, unless/until dan/kubs makes the server "not pay2win".
    Although, I watch Napkin0fTruth so I know how to connect... c;
    Download 1.8.9 forge and connect. Simplez Az Datz
  • What is EULA and Blacklisting? Please no sarcastic or mean remarks.
  • El_goat fuck off :D EULA is the terms and conditions of MC and Blacklisting means that the server will get shut down (put on the black list)
  • *Flies Away*
  • Who honestly gives a **** about the EULA. If they're going to blacklist servers, start with MCLeaks.net not innocent servers, lel
  • Apologies El_goat I did come off as rather rude there. Sorry mate.
  • @HeyItsHenry is right about MCLeaks, all those servers on that website are "cracked" server. That means that they were made for people who got their account illegally. Also this video will explainall of this EULA stuff.
  • u know you can just ask turtle_crap the change the mojang settings so eula doesnt happen lol
  • They just made it so poor people wont go off and cry cause they can't afford like a 7 dollar rank with advantages. Fuck EULA, just a bunch of poor people making up a list of rules.
  • rip old name
  • but thx Hollie. ⧹⧸⧸⧹