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Dan/Kubs, i cannot connect to ANY server, only hub.
  • Hi,
    I was AFK this morning, on skyblock.
    I went to school, and I came back.
    Then I was in the hub afk (because I got kicked) so I try to join skyblock and it says "java.ioJavaexeption" and I cannot connect to any of the servers.
    Please can you help? I'm not banned or muted, so I cant think of anything that wouldn't let me connect.
  • I got kicked saying my files we're corrupt and it was fixed, yet I still cannot connect.
  • Only factions works /
  • I had the same thing happen it said my files we corrupted and now i can only connect too facs
  • This error occurs when you're IP banned.
  • Nevermind, it's all fixed now.
    @HeyItsHenry that's for the advise but its all fixed now, that's anyway.