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-=+=- xGuilty's Helper Or Moderator APP -=+=-
  • What rank are you applying for:
    Helper or Moderator

    How young are you?:

    Are you a Male or Female?:

    What country do you live in?:

    Do you have a YouTube or Twitch channel?:

    I use to have a youtube channel to record hackers but i forgot the password but i use a new one now here it is: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCeaJ21Un2VtuUyBz3oFJuQ

    Why do I want this rank?:

    I really want to be helper because, The short time I have been on DanCraft . I had a lot of fun, and I really want to get more into the community, and well I saw there wasent much staff so I said why not give this opportunity a go, what's a better way to get more into the community then helping the players in it. Since DanCraft is a PvP based server, there is alot of hackers on here, I have seen players calling for staff members to catch hackers and no one coming to help, not just hackers, they would ask for help in chat for things and no one would help them. I want to be Helper to help players like this in the community to make it a better, more enjoyable server for people to play on, I also feel like I can help a lot of people from, stopping drama, to how to craft something, to catching hacker. I know what it's like to be on a server needed assistance and no one helping me, and I don't want that to happen on anyone on this amazing server. Another reason I want staff is because the players are the people that knows, what's broken, what's good and, what's bad, and I know what it's like to not have staff take my opinions into consideration, with that being said I want to be able to take opinions from players to help the server out and make it a better place to play.

    How do you think you can assist the server if you become this rank?:

    If I get this spot as helper, I believe that I will be able to assist the server in many ways, I will be able to make it a more friendlier, happier place to play on by getting rid of a bunch of drama, one thing that I do about drama between players that I've seen other staff members not do is to try and look at it from both players perspectives. I will stop people from being racist and trying to start things with other players in chat. I will stop make sure no one is spamming cause everyone knows how annoying it is to try and talk in chat when someone is constantly spamming something. I'll make sure no one gets away with advertising as long as I get proof of it or as long as I am on, and personally I don't see why people do this because, who would leave the current server they're playing on to go and join a server someone posts in chat, especially if they need to advertise in another server's chat, that just indicates that it's a small server which means not that much action. I also PvP a lot on the server, and I'm not going to lie around 1.5 and a little through 1.6 I was that kid that would go on alts and hack all the time since my computer wasn't the best, and I would always calls people easy when I killed them. I know that hacks, I know how they work how they look like, I've used them all before. But now since I got a new computer a year ago I stopped hacking and I can now record hackers at 60 frames per second while I PvP. I can also assist the server by not just enforcing rules but also helping players that need it, like the link to the store for example, or in game things like how to brew a fire resistance potion. I just know I will be able to help out a lot and I would love to get the chance to be able to.

    Explain some cases in which you would perm-ban/temp-ban people?:

    If I catch someone hacking in PvP, I will record them hacking, then tempban them for 48 hours and upload the video to youtube then submit it as proof. A case I would tempban someone in is if they indirectly advertise their stream or if they post an IP in chat not relating to DanCraft.

    Rules as well as my thoughts what i would do with the rules:


    If someone is spamming in chat I will first start off with a warning, then if they continue I will tempmute them for 5 mins and add more time if they continue.

    Staff Disrespect:

    Impersonating a Dancraft (or related party) staff member in any way, for any reason is prohibited.


    If someone were to advertise on the server I would just simply screen shot it for proof. Then I would ban them for "advertising" then clear server chat so no one see the ip and is tempted to leave DanCraft and join that server.


    If I catch someone being racist in chat I will just simply tempmute them for 5 mins and if they continue I would just add more time.

    Out of game threats:

    There is no point in threatening someone online, it does nothing beside cause drama, and in return i would issue a tempmute.

    Server Drama:

    I understand if you get mad because you might have died and lost your good gear, but that does not mean to go and start drama. Even if you didn't die and someone is just irritating you, there is a /ignore there is no point in drama it achieves nothing, and in return you receive a tempmute.


    If I see someone hacking in PvP, or if multiple people are hackusating them in chat then I will open up fraps, then i'll go and record them hacking, and if I get proof I will tempban them for 48 hours and upload the video and submit it as proof.

    Scamming & Phishing

    Scams involving item, in-game money and account details are disallowed. Phishing involves masquerading a service and/or request as something that it is not. For example, making a user type a command whilst being misleading about its function (e.g. "type /tpahere john for free stuff"). This would also include trapping.

    Tell us a little about yourself:

    My IGN is xGuilty, as I am known on the server, but my real name is Sam. I am 17 years old as I tell you up above, and I was born and raised in Australia/Victoria. I am 6 foot and 1 inches tall, I love making new friends and doing random acts of kindness. I'm a Senior in High school #ClassOf2017 and I really enjoy playing Soccer. My favorite quote is "Hard work beats talent." Why I love this quote so much is because I believe that if you work hard at something then you will be really good at it.

    Hope you enjoyed reading it, and I hope I get the spot. Have a nice day/night!

  • Totally not copy paste app, good job on it buddy. Sorry to break it to you, but I will do it before someone else says it in a mean matter but Dan isn't accepting in-game staff, Dan employs out of game people.
  • Kubsz was part of the Dancraft community and not a mod in V3
  • You'd think that after all of these applications that haven't been responded to, people would learn... But no, they still go for it. Not to mention the amount of times people have said that DC isn't accepting applications...
  • Yea but that was before Dan made his mind that he wouldn't have anymore in-game mods/admins maybe he will change his mind in the future but for now it is just them 2 that I know that are admin/mods.
  • I remember back in v4 there was so many staff members.. Now we only got Dan and Kubsz. Lets cause a forum riot! Make him staff!
  • well besides minecraft
  • Jake imma fus ro dah you out of here. FUS-RO-DAH
  • This must look so weird to non-skyrim players