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Can someone inform me?
  • So, some how last night I dont know whats happened but ive just arrived home from school and im in the middle of no-where with nothing, and my enderchest is completely gone. Im not sure what happened but mk1alfie told me I was hacking or something and I wasnt in my usual faction... Also I do have 1 younger brother (hes 11) and Im not sure if he did/didn't go on it cause I was on until about 5pm (England) or something then I went out with my friends (That I do have) Now im here confused as hell and abit worried cause I also had a problem like this last version with a RAT, but I doubt it was that... Well I hope... So if you was online (factions) around when I 'hacked' please tell me what happened... I'm getting really worried and to be honest dont really want to be banned...
