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Suggestions For Factions (PLEASE READ)
  • Howdy there!! Its GClient here with a few suggestions for factions:

    Spawners available to buy in shop - Yes i know there is /warp spawners and people can buy spawner keys but they should also let us buy spawners with in-game money. It would make it fair for everyone playing factions and would also make better raids.

    Make it so you have to stand still for 5 seconds to use /rtp - People tend to do /rtp when they see people that are about to kill them and it gets annoying.

    More staff members - I rarely ever see a staff member on. Let people apply to be a staff member please.

    Youtuber/Twitch rank - Adding a Youtube/Twitch rank would definitely make the server more popular, depending on their sub/follower count.

    Add categories for auction house - It would make it easier for people to find things that they need instead of having to click through a bunch of random stuff people are auctioning.

    Remove /god (Probably wont happen) - /god in my opinion is really op and should be removed. People can raid in /god and that is unfair. If they are PvPing they can just run away, get out of combat, and turn on /god.

    Those are all of my suggestions

  • *Click* Noice
  • Spawners used to be in the shop but dan removed them because he wanted money for csgo skins