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Making Elevators (Prison Server) [BUG]
  • On the prison server i spent loads of time working on my headquarters at my plot (35,12), its a big tower similliar to the Seattle Space Needle, however using ladders or stairs to climb 60+ blocks wasnt fast enough, so I made a elevator using this technique
    , However it doesnt work, Either the server has a plugin that stops this feature from working, or another guess of mine is when building nerd poles (1x1 towers into the sky), the server wont let you do it supper fast , you can only place about 1 block up every 3 seconds. This could be another reason why it doesnt work, However i suggest removing it because this elevator is a really good one. Plus i spent like 3 days on the build and almost 5 hours on the elevator (not easy to get the supplies in prison). thanks for reading
  • Dancraft is 1.8 and 1.9 so there may be some issues with this.
  • Ah thank you, that could be the cause, It almost seams like it trys to TP me up but the it tp me back down