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I got a fake ig (Dan or Kubsz please look)
  • https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/18toCaPFLYDeleatE71Au_FaLBRTpbUwn72filX9LxvE/edit?usp=sharing

    I bought a fake ig from meddragon and I would like to trade it in for a real one.
  • Scamming is ban-able. Just report him/her.
  • Hello BilboyQG,
    So you can make a new Discussion and make sure it gets in the Report . You must have video evdicne for the report to be accected by a community manager (ex. Danstoogood or Kubsz). If you don't have any proof your report will probaly not be accepted. As HeyItsHenry said eariler it is bannable. I have reported some people for scamming and the reportes have been accepted. However you will need some sort of evdince of him giving the spawner too you!

    Have a Great Day :D!

    (Dancraft Emerald Rank)
  • Why did you put your rank? :P
  • I put up (Emerald Rank) so then I wouldn't get into truble for mini-modding... I like to help out the community. If I didn't I could of gotten reported.
  • No but when i place it, it will turn into a pig spawner (its glitched)
  • Its not a fake Ig it just needs to be updated by kubs
  • yeah but what does emerald rank have to do with minimodding