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Questions: pls anyone who has answers feel free to answer :)
  • Enderchests: they glitch all the time and people lose items. will there be a fix or is there a fix for it?

    Mods: there are none. kubsz and dan r the only active people... no offence but we need more. sooo i would like to know when mods are going to be chosen or any other solutions to the problem come into place.

    PLS how do u enable comments on dancraft forums? pls msg me or something

  • what minigame are the enderchest not working? I will see if mine are working.

  • @flapper_mc factions sometimes when u put stuff in they disapear... its random tho not all the time
  • ohh ok well i don't play factions but i will try it out
  • I put stuff in my enderchest i will come back on factions tomorrow and see if it disappears
  • Kubsz and Dan say that they are currently looking into the problem we will just have to wait for them to fix it, none of us know when he will fix it.