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Is dancraft resetting?
  • I have been hearing rumours about dancraft resetting, and I would like to know if it is true. If so, will we be able to keep things such as balance and things that we have bought (crate keys etc)?

  • I aint think so ms jaasmine
  • I hope there isnt a reset, sucks for the people who just bought crate keys like me.
  • And why would they put a discount on there crate keys and ranks right before a reset? Thats there reason why I dont think theres gonna be a reset
  • IF it resets thoe I want my 16 epic crate keys back.
  • I've bought like 12 mega keys from dancraft, it would suck to loose all my stuff.
  • I actually played this server. I dont want to lose everything after my first 5 months.
  • I wouldnt mind the reset if they give me my 16 epic keys back and let me keep my money. Te IG spawners are freakin awesome.