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RIP BleachGANG (Please Read Dan)
  • Sadly, we lost a very notable person. Hippy, you are one of my best friends. You were the comic relief of this server. It pains me to see the thread in which you were sanctioned. In my opinion, Dan's reasons for banning you would be insufficient. Admitting to hacks shouldn't get you banned due to the fact that it isn't physical evidence. Hacking on another server doesn't mean you hack on a different one. In conclusion, in order to be banned on THIS server, you would/should have to have recorded evidence from THIS server. But hey, it's just my opinion. Whether or not Dan reads it and responds to it with a counterclaim is not up to me.

    See you in 56 days ( or sooner if you purchase an unban).
  • Thx mate I'm not gonna waste money on an unban when I don't really enjoy playing much anyway.
  • No problem bruh. I'll go smartass any day for you. Plus, I just love to post my opinion out whenever I see something wrong.
  • If you're reading this, Dan, please know that I am not mudslinging you in any way. As I said before, it's just my opinion. Oh and please read this: https://www.dancraft.net/discussion/3928/chat-filter#Item_2