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Nyprex's Appeal
  • Punishment Date: 16 December 2015 - 06:15 PM

    Punishment Type: Ban

    Punishment Reason: Inappropriate Language or Behavior

    Guilty?: Yes

    Why I should be unbanned: I believe my sanction should be removed because, I have played on Dancraft for years now and thoroughly enjoyed your server but I regretfully decided to use my behavior to cause havoc on your server. Your staff, Kubsz caught me almost immediately, and I respect the effort you put forwards to stop people, like myself. I have spent time trying to be non-toxic and helpful to other players; I will try my best not to use racial slurs or language in the future. I believe my sanction should be removed for the fact that I have learned my lesson and wish to enjoy your server once again, thank you for taking your time to read through my appeal and I hope you choose what you believe is necessary.
  • Appeal accepted; your sanction has been removed.