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Un-mute Jonesette
  • Well, firstly I would appreciate it if you would change your auto-response for people who send emails as it has been over 24 hours and I still have not received a response even after the auto response. Secondly onto the soul purpose of this appeal were by I feel Jonesette has been wrongfully muted.
    Your rule which you have sanctioned jonesette against states that,
    " threatening (DDoS and others alike infringe this rule), bullying & any other vulgar language that could offend another player. attempting to impersonate a member of staff for any reason & encouraging others to break rules would also fall into this category."
    From this I have noticed various issues, the first being that the consequence of someone who has broken a rule (which jonesette hasn't) has not been specified or brought up at all in this rule which makes this rule some what pointless as people could break it un-aware of the consequences they may face. Secondly what jonesette was sanctioned for was a meaningless remark, from the screenshot it was not directly aimed at anyone which could mean that he was talking to himself at the time, although unlikely you cannot rule it out as a possibility. now onto the vulgure language, for this rule I would say to make it far for donors and non-donors alike I feel that warning should be issued to the offending character, Weather this incident was aggravated is another matter which also should not be ruled out and should result in the second party being sanctioned to.