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Xx__Kirito__X's Appeal / The Truth Again
  • Ok, ok fine I admit I was hacking I was using wolfram but it was the first time I ever tryed hacking on a server I loved and cared about. Only because of one reason there was 1 hacked and tons of people swearing at me and I got mad. I might as well deal with it and save up to buy an unban if I can. I hope this servers gets better again and if I ever do come back I hope that it's great again. If I never get unbanned you guys might as we'll keep my money so the server can still run. I wish I could turn back time and change my actions, I'll also never regret my actions or forgive my self. I won't ever hack again, I've learned my lesson and I haven't played minecraft at all since I've been banned, because day was the only server I played. I know I tryed to lie my way out of it but then I realized that won't help, it will just make it worst. I hope I could get a shortened ban I don't care how long it is gonna be I just hope you guys can make it shorter. So that's all I have to say peace out I love you all :).

    <3 Xx__Kirito__xX