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Perma Banned for Hacking
  • OK so, I hack on Ulti a lot on this account, but since I've remembered that I bought kit OP for KitPvP, it's coming out soon, I'd really appreciate it if I got my sanction shortened or removed. I've learned my lesson on hacking/breaking rules, I wish for a second chance on this account.
    I say "this account" because I'm known as Zaminz/HacksTooGood/BedrockPvP/AlienZech/etc. Many people know that I hack/DDoS(ed) in the past, but this server is now becoming more better for me and I have so much fun on here playing legit.

    Zamin H.
  • Your appeal has been denied. I have also banned the accounts mentioned in this post that we can prove are linked to you (3 in total). It's disgraceful to think you can bypass our rules by using another account.

    One time unbans are available for purchase on our store, here.
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