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DivaAJLee Goodbye Tribute
  • DivaAJLee is leaving Dancraft. ;-;


    The event that occurred which made me meet Diva was pretty awkward. I was on Ulti, asking around if anyone knew CowGirlMads, since she's my friend, and I was wondering if she still played on DC anymore. Diva just blurted out "ME", and strangely, from that point on, we became friends. I didn't know Diva for very long, since my return (if you guys don't know who I was) occurred not too long ago. But in that short time period, Diva proved to be a great friend, always going all well with the conversation, being overly generous, funny, etc. Diva was also extremely generous to the point he constantly gave diamonds to doughdude even though he wasn't being thanked. Before you call him stupid or some other absurd insult, Diva wasn't the stupid type. He always avoided arguments that would ruin other peoples's day or gameplay, and he was polite and courteous to everyone on the server.

    I do not know the exact reason for him taking his leave, but all I know is that he was a great and respectable guy, and maybe he was not very well known, but he will be missed by the people who knew him well. It's sad to see him go not just only because he was a great person, but also because DC is running out of good people, and beginning to overflow with hackers, "toxic" people, scammers, and the likes.

    Goodbye, Diva, you will be missed. Perhaps you might make a return to DC someday.
