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Why my 1 Week Mute is Unreasonable
  • To who this may concern,

    I was muted for 1 week because of advertising Kohi's server.

    I think this should not acquire to so called "Advertising". To this server and any other duel servers such as kohi.us and na.badlion.net should not be advertising servers. These servers are duel servers where people that are less rich on servers want to pvp a player that may be more rich on this server. These duel servers may be helpful to doing wagers and just getting more skill. I wanted to 1v1 one of the players on Dancraft, but was reported for advertisement. I'm pretty sure that no one needs to advertise this server because it is one the most popular duels server there is. You can go for example, Archon is a major factions server played by a lot of YouTubers and extremely active staff. I put up 1v1 requests for the server Kohi on Archon many times. I was never kicked or even muted for "Advertisement". Everyone knows that a duel server would not count for advertisement. To make more sense I did not even say anything like (Join this server or Come play on this server) I just said "Want to 1v1 on kohi.us". Please consider this information that this mute was unreasonable and hopefully you understand.

    Thank you for your time,
    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays,
    AggressiveMC (Emerald Rank)
    Email: [email protected] or [email protected]