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Something About The Phrase "Kys" (Da_Punisher, please read)
  • It's not funny. It's not something to "joke" about. And it's got to stop. I bet almost everyone on the internet knows that "kys" means "kill your self". There are thousands of kids, teens, maybe even adults who use that phrase lightly, not knowing the damage it can cause. I once had a friend who was being cyber-bullied for how he always wanted to help people who were depressed. People started bullying him at school, and then soon enough the bullying also went onto the Internet. I've lost count of how many times he's been told "kys". Eventually he actually killed himself by jumping off a cliff. This happened in 2013. Even if there is some annoying kid who's insulting you, dissing you, etc., it's natural to reply harshly, but when you tell them that phrase, it can actually impact them. You're online. You don't know anything about anybody. They can actually be suffering a loss or be going through depression, and then you tell them to kill themselves? It's almost like giving a loaded gun to somebody telling them to position it to their head, then saying "All you need is to pull the trigger". It doesn't matter how much they diss you or insult you. Telling someone to kill themself can actually lead to their death, and affect the people who care about them. You might not think much about it, since it might seem to be some other overused phrase like "GTFO" or "STFU". But it actually can harm/kill someone, like my friend. So just stop telling people to "kys". Thanks.

    - Tsuchikage
  • Atleast half of the people on the internet don't give a fuck if someone they told to kys went through with it. But this is important for people who actually care about human life to read.
  • @paksjr That's why I hope that the people who read this will start caring for a human life.
  • I like fiction.
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  • @Da_Punisher Personally, I wouldn't care if I was insulted on here, but I think you're probably too shallow to realize the actual impact of telling someone such a thing.
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  • @Da_Punisher Ok, now I understand where it's coming from, but you should still be considerate of others, too.
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  • @Da_Punisher Alright, sounds fair enough, thanks.
  • @Xaoz_ why the random comment tho.
    like wat the fuck
  • @TripleKill He's just too stupid to understand, so he doesn't know what to say.
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