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Hello, I'm here to say I'm now quitting.
  • To the very few that are reading this, I have been a player of the Dancraft network for almost around a year now and it's time for me to leave. The reason I'm leaving is the lack of players (that have left because of other players not abiding to rules). I can't help but think that if the very few staff could have recruited other staff to get a better coverage on the Dancraft network.

    My last piece of advice to staff would be, recruit more staff and try and get a big youtubers help to promote the server.

    Goodbye, I thank the staff for the server.
    TehLeavitatingDuc Jacob4Wins.
  • ..Goodbye.. I hope you visit the server back again, Like a vacation thing to see how the server is going once in a while..
  • Message removed by administrator