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Why are most people bullying TheCuteDuckling?
  • How long have you been on dancraft?
  • Also go about 50 pages back in forums
  • Cuz they're haters and have nothing better to do
  • @Tina87 But what did she do?
  • She bullied others. Then karma raped her ass
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  • ^ more or less
  • She scammed me for about 2 mil, over the years
  • Elijah, u were kissing her ass before....
  • Until she scammed me for the 2nd time.
  • Just because she scammed you on an online game (which in no way affects your real life) isn't a reason to pick on a 10 year old girl.
  • @Tina87 Actions show what's in your heart. Therefore, scamming = showing what they're thinking = them actually being sneaky/dishonest. Maybe the community has gone a a bit far, but overall, the number of times/amount of money she's scammed, almost any person would say almost all of the hate Izzy has recieved - almost, not all, was well-deserved, unless whoever you ask is a sympathizer.
    You're mostly right about picking on Izzy, but she can't just scam like what, millions already? And just get away with it. It doesn't matter if it's an online game, it doesn't matter if it's IRL money, it doesn't matter if it's some big company or whatever, we're not focusing on the setting - we're focusing on the act itself, which is why everyone is so despicable to her.
    She shouldn't recieve hate from other people just because she's only 10 years old? Being 10 years old and scamming vast amounts like 2 million actually makes it worse. A 10 year old shouldn't be just let off the hook so easily because, 1) If she's 10, then it means that at a young age she's already extremely sneaky and selfish. 2) If she's 10, then it means that she's extremely sneaky, by putting up an innocent, pure impression, just to turn around and steal somebody's hard-earned money, and leaving them totally empty. 3) If she's 10, she's already going to be entering middle school by now, and it means that by this age, she should've been taught countless times by her teacher, parents, etc.

    So basically, what I'm saying is, 1) It doesn't matter if it's in-game; it's still scamming, and it shows that she is a sneaky person. 2) Age doesn't determine whether or not she can be let off the hook. If she's younger, she wouldn't even be so sneaky to scan multiple people on the server.

    So now, since I've thought a bit about this, I'm wondering if you're just ignoring the fact that she scammed like, a bunch of people, or if you're not ignoring it but trying to cushion it by thinking 'she's only 10, she wouldn't have known better', or if you're just taking her side due to most of the well-deserved hate thrown at her.

    I'm not taking a side here, but I'm speaking from my point of view. Just saying. You're welcome to throw your hate at me.
  • Nobody deserves hate
  • If she committed an actual crime then maybe, but no.
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  • @PandaLuvsBamboo tf is wrong with you
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  • Am I the only one who genuinely likes Izzy lol
  • Wow. That was the most intelligent post I've ever seen on the forums. Even I can't make something as sophisticated as that. You sir, deserve a cookie. No sarcasm btw
  • I like to think it's because I'm a decent human being unlike you @PandaLuvsBamboo ;)
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