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Thanks Dan
  • I don't know if I am leaving or not but if the server never gets updated again and is left where it's at I can't see me coming back. I just want to say Thanks Dan for all the good times and good updates. He probably won't see this though but if I never found your server I probably would never have started my YouTube channel, wouldn't have met awesome friends who I still talk to today and I probably wouldn't be considered a god at PvP among my friends. Now I PvP at the big servers and compete at high ranks but I would've never gotten there if it wasn't for Dancraft Kit PvP to spark my interest in the PvP world so just THANKS for all the hard work dude and several years went by I never had the chance to tell you and it makes me think, if I didn't all that time, who did?
  • It was very good back in its day :)
  • Yes it was