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Bedrock ranks demoted to Emerald?
  • I bought the Bedrock rank a while ago on my first account. Since I lost the account, I was given back the Bedrock rank by emailing DansTooGood. After the new update and returning after a long time, I have an Emerald rank now and I am wondering if all Bedrocks were demoted to Emerald, which wouldn't make much sense. Is this a glitch that I am not Obsidian or a feature? I paid $100 for the Bedrock rank when I originally bought it and I don't think it is fair to be demoted to a lower rank now that the new Obsidian rank is basically the equivalent of the Bedrock?
  • Everyone was demoted bruh.
    Emerald Rank is $100
    Obsidian Rank is $150
    New Emerald Price: $40
    New Obsidian Price: $60
  • If Obsidian is now $60, what happened to my $40? I suspect this whole "upgrade" to the servers was just a ploy to gain money.