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Got False a Banned?
  • Hello Dancraft, my name is StormyBlizzard
    I don't hack, I got banned because i got TNT together and blasted myself but i got shot sideways and I didn't want to die so I pearled and I hit the bottom of the ender world. I suffocated and right before I was about to die, I got banned. I would like a Staff member to unban me, I just think this was kinda ridiculous. I don't know really know how to show proof since this all happen so fast. If you ask players around the server if they ever seen me hack, I doubt they say yes.

    P.S: I also have a YT Channel that I catch hackers on...
    YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPBbNBzveajn8cCV0g8TDIg

    Thank you for your time.- StormyBlizzard