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DoxedByMoe sanction removal appeal
  • https://www.dancraft.net/discussion/7077/doxedbymoe-you-were-never-loved-#Item_2
    Okay so first of all I am not admitting to something I didn't do. I admitted last time because last time I appeal I was actually cheating. Now this time I fucking wasn't. and I know I wasn't bc I was on fucking vanilla minecraft and I mean I can't prove shit because the video has me with "aimbot" and "kill arura". But I looked at the video. Do me a solid favor. Look at the video again. Look when he steps away from me. Look at him. He can see my name through the wall. That is impossible in vanilla minecraft. Idk if its this-

    But I know that it is impossible to see name tags through the wall.. I request that either I would get unbanned, or the person who recorded the video "Of me hacking" gets sanctioned for unauthorized mod because you arn't allowed to use mods like that. thanks
  • Can you link the video you were sanctioned from?
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