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  • hia nigger ;)
  • @VerzideOwO @752 @TheCuteRabbit
    Hi there!

    You must not use any language which is offensive, racist or obscene including discrimination, solicitation, threats, actively advertising external servers/websites, bullying and spamming.

    Forum moderators/administrators can remove your thread/comment due to violence of the Forum Rules.
  • Why are you mini-modding? You're trying too hard to become staff.
  • The real question is: Why do you mind @iNibbleRice? I'm trying to organize this community and I'd be a good staff member.
  • I mind because its up to the owners to decide who is and isnt staff not you...
  • @Radgie
    It is up to the staff who's staff and who isn't, but I haven't seen that many lurking around these days.

    And if you read my comment correctly, I'm only warning the persons who use any language which is offensive, racist or obscene including discrimination, solicitation, threats, actively advertising external servers/websites, bullying and spamming. I warn them for the fact that if there WAS staff it could get removed or worse. I'm not acting as staff and I'm not.
  • stop minimodding just stop PLEASE
  • @Radgie Do you know what I can't stand? People who spend their whole days ranting on other people on Forums. And, if I look at your comments on your profile page, you're one of them.. I just give people strong advice, because there is no-one else here to do it.
  • i dont rat people, i dont report people... i leave that to other shitters