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Talking about the GiveAway
  • So recently or just atm Dan had a Giveaway with 4 obsidian ranks, 20 special keys (On all servers) And (I don't remember the last, if it was a last)
    But im just so pissed of that everyone is, to be honest, not glad at all. Everyone spammed at him "Another giveaway, another another and that stuff"
    and give a key to everyone. Im thinking; Its a freaking giveaway, don't expect that You are the player who wins out of 40 others.
    My opinion, please don't judge me (:
  • The last was pets
  • I totally agree with you. The fact that players were able to participate in giveaways was a privilege, and it is clear that no gratitude was shown from those who complained. When someone does something for you, you need to keep it, and say thank you. Thank you for pointing this out, Lompe.