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I was wrongly banned for bug abuse.
  • As you see I am banned for bug/glitch abuse. I was wrongly acused of such a ban and I dont know what I did to get banned. Earlier today their was glitching on sky block with the money. I was never doing any of that at all. You may have thought I might have of with all my money but I did not. People were buying all the loot I was making from my farm. I think this was a mistake and I really want to play again. I hope you read this soon because I have done nothing wrong and I want to play on the new server again. Me and Timmyextreme576 have done nothing wrong and I will like to note that this is a unfortanit ban. Please read this and note that I am a fair player and been playing for a long time, I would never do anything like this.
  • After further investigation, we have concluded that this was a false ban.

    Your sanction has been removed.
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