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  • So, Dan, recently I was banned for Intentional bug / glitch abuse, when I was not actually abusing a glitch, this is your fault, not ours, I know you probably know a player was threatening to D-dos people but this does not mean they had to do the glitch, this was there own fault, what I am here to tell you today is that you should've released a version for your beta-testers to use so it was actually read, not just release it blind as you did. I do not think my ban is fair because this is no glitch, it is the person who put Iron in the farming section of the shop for so cheap. Not that the expensive iron is good because of the price but you know what I mean. (here is some you are breaking)

    You are also breaking a few EULA policies... This could close you down : https://help.mojang.com/customer/en/portal/articles/1590522-minecraft-commercial-use !

    As I said, this ban was technically my fault BUT was your mistake, you cannot argue with that, I did have a choice to do this but I was stupid and did it anyway...

    I am not actually asking for an unban here, just a shorten of ban, even if it is 1-5months!

    I am truly sorry about what I did and I would not do it again, I thought it was allowed at the time and afterwards I was just like (oh) shit I messed up.

    Hopefully I'll see you on the server soon if you accept the shorten of ban, (even though it was not my fault) and if you don't I will not be purchasing an unban and will be reporting you to EULA and will find a different place to play,

    Thanks Dan and Kubsz.
    IGN: japzhu

  • Appeal denied:
    Whilst this offence can be appealed and other players who abused this exploit have now had their sanctions removed, due to offences on several linked alternate accounts, your sanction will remain permanent.
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