@TheCuteDuckling and you really think many players like you? Your only friend is AyeeItsIlana and that't only because of your name initials. You're one of the most horrible players known to Dancraft. You consistantly trapped last version (the version before that too). You constantly bully new players and all players in general to be honest. Then you have the nerve to come onto the forums and say that you don't care about @GingerToad leaving and that (s)he's annoying? You're annoying yourself, but do we constantly remind you? nope.
Hey ginger, my Discord account has been copromised. Hacked. Its not me. Anymore, since last night i tried to log in this morning. 2 fac auth was disabled. Everyone else who has me as a mod on thier discord REMOVE ME. My mincraft account proceeds as normal, that IS me. guys, be careful.