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Coming back for my partner in crime, GingerToad!
  • I was banned, for intentional bug abuse. And.... UNBANNED! But my partner GingerToad, banned for helping me was not unbanned. I understand Ginger did not file a good appeal, but could you possibly look back at mine, (Titled HELP ME!) and unban Ginger? Or at least shorten the ban, for the low lack of respect he had for staff, while trying to get unbanned. Maybe to 21 days, but that's not my choice of course, it's yours. Thank you for the unban, and please read and think about this and consider shortening the ban!

    Best regards,
  • Unfortunately, your appeal has been denied.

    Appeals can only be made by the banned account. To register for an account when banned, please connect to register.dancraft.net in your Minecraft client.
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