Alright so I think its MAGIC or something related to Harry Potter which was what I was assuming because CREEPERS WONT EXPLODE im trying to use those things to explode my island to help meh make it some how xD tbh idek if its Vodemort for the reason why they wont explode and why they look SO BEAUTIFUl just like Voldemort... (<---- sarcasm) AND TY for the extra flying thing, I honestly thought it would only be a week :'( BUT U SAVED US DAN once again TY FOR THE BEST SERVER
@TimyDinoG The creepers don’t explode to prevent them from accidentally destroying blocks on a player’s island when another player uses the island warp or happens to be walking around there
@TinyDinoG Creepers don't explode so they will not destroy your Island. That's why they didn't let creepers explode. It whould mess up your spawn and everything on your Island.