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Died while afk in spawn?
  • Hey dan, last night around idk 3 A.M. maybe i was pretty tired and dozed off. I was afk in spawn on ulti because i left my computer on. Today i logged on at like 7:20 A.M. and it said disconnected but when i went back in ulti i was dead? But im confused cause my head is still on the leaderboard. Btw i died with really good stuff on me (crate stuff) if you can please help me that would be really nice thank you, ~swggity_swag
  • cornucopia spiders... ;3
  • @swiggity_swag Unfortunately staff members aren't able to give your stuff back to you. However, you can report the 'bug' at This Link to make sure staff will read it and make sure your issue won't occur again
  • could've rested your head on the forward key, could've taken you into pvp, Cornucopia could've killed you or just another player, sorry for any inconvenience caused.