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EwwYou Avoiding mute and other things.
  • EwwYou was asking me to look for someone who can buy him a unmute becuz he got (Perm) Mute. Then he was griefing. (I don't know if it's exactly griefing) But he was stealing alot of things. (Spawners) And other stuff. This isn't the first time he did grief me. He did it 2/3 times before to. I maked some screenshots: https://prnt.sc/h3raka (Stealing stuff he did 2 sec before to didn't had the time to screen it) https://prnt.sc/h3rai9 (Avoiding mute and bypassing chat filter) EwwYou needs to get a ban or something like that. Because when he is muted he is asking: Can u plz ask someone to buy a unmute for me? And he is still Avoiding a mute when he got perm mute.
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