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swggity_swag report and WitherStrafez HYPOCRISY! (EVIDENCE)
  • I was playing on my main alt (its name is an oxymoron) and noticed that swggity_swag had killaura ,so I asked him if he hacked. WitherStrafez messaged me and said "he's the famous toggler". With all the evidence i saw i /vmed swggity_swag. When I /vmed swggity_swag he said it was a "false mute" and WitherStrafez quickly responded with "^". Here is the evidence: file:///C:/Users/joshu/Downloads/IMG_5900.JPG file:///C:/Users/joshu/Downloads/IMG_5899%20(1).JPG
  • Thank you for submitting a report.

    Unfortunately, the provided evidence is not sufficient.
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