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My Rank???? Help?!?!?!?
  • Hello my username is michaelpong32. I took a break from DC for about 3 months, only to come back to a revamped server, and my rank being 2 lvls downgraded from what it is supposed to be (It's diamond rank,not obsidian). Here is some video proof of my rightful rank:

    (I press tab in-game,and it shows my rank). Thanks- michaelpong32
  • vouch , he had obsidian
  • It is likely that your rank was downgraded as a result of a rank upgrade purchase you weren't eligible for - (e.g. purchasing Emerald to Obsidian as a Gold Rank).

    Email [email protected] for further clarification or any other store-related issues. We can't provide purchase support here.
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