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Ban APpeal
  • sorry for hacking i am guilty but once i got banned from Dancraft it hit me really hard the hacked that i used is killaura and i deleted my hacks because i got banned from Dancraft my favorite server so i hope i get unban my ign is Tropical_Mango i am sorry i am very re morsel for what i have done so hopefuly you get a heart from me because i never broke a Dancraft rule until now :(.so please unban me
    I cant be a good moderator if a person hacks i just felt mad because other people were hacking to like Swiggty-Swag
    So im sorry
  • Thank you for an honest appeal.

    In the case of some inappropriate behavior sanctions, when a genuine appeal is made, sanctions are shortened to 7-60 days (case dependent) when an honest appeal has been made.

    Your sanction would have been shortened to 14 days, but as 6 days have passed since the creation of your appeal, your sanction has been shortened to 8 days.
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