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Vote Key Glitch Abuse
  • Alright so I am just gonna be fully honest. To be honest I never thought this would happen. So pretty much one day I log on to DanCraft, do my daily voting and all that jazz. When I voted I had quite a lot of votes accumilated up so I just did /vote claim a lot but then I realised I was getting a lot more than what I had voted. I then went on to abuse this glitch to gain an advantage on others. One thing I do not agree on is a 30 DAY BAN?! Like abuses come and go everyone uses them and I don't think anyone would've not tried it. I can understand why I am banned but I would like to ask for a shorter ban because what I did is not as bad as using client modifications on a server.

    IGN - SplatrCheese
  • Your sanction has been shortened to 10 days. Please note that any future cases of bug abuse, no matter how small, will result in a ban that cannot be appealed. Make sure you report any bugs you encounter at https://www.dancraft.net/bug
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