so when i recruit someone to my fac and i have an ig grinder and they steal my igs and leave my faction? is this ban-able? I only ask out of curiosity. because the server rules does not specify. Can you help explain the limits of "Insiding"?
Last time I checked, Insiding as looked down upon as it is, was apart of factions, therefor not considered a bannable offence, not sure if this is still the case.
I'm %99 sure that it's allowed(Don't trust me though!). This is a warning saying that you need to be careful of who you trust and who you invite into your faction. Try and make sure you have %100 trust from the player that you invite and that they're not just in it to steal your stuff. I've gone through many players greifing me on factions - The best thing to do is to make your own private vault where other faction members don't have permission to go to and don't have permission to use anything inside that vault. If you need anymore help don't be afraid to just /msg me in game!