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I've hacked someone lmao
  • So... i've been getting alot of hate off of AggressiveMC's friends but I seriously honest I havent hacked him... Im not that sad to hack someone to get into there base lol... Anyways i'll prove I have no client of which I can use to hack accounts or steal information.

    Proof : https://gyazo.com/868065d7bf9a52ccfbe506641da16143

    So can you please stop harassing me and saying me and CauseImWhite hacked him.... it's not funny. I dont know anything about coding/hacking accounts. I only know how to download a client like Nodus and things like that...

    Anyways hope people believe me....

  • People are rude :(
  • I can honsetly say that CauseImBlack have nothing to do with aggressiveMc's account he would never hack someone to get in to a base in a block game..
  • I've seen Aggressives forum post, my answer to how I got there is this: So here I am flying for raids are gate2 idk, then I truce AggressiveMC cause he helped kill someone with me and CauseImWhite then about 5-10mins later I tpa and he accepts so im like yeah lets see where he is.. then its skyvault I start taking tnt and things (thinking its a raid) next minute I know im been called a hacker...
  • Whats your steam. XD
  • I can't remember, ill check later :)
  • Why is there a screenshot of my head on ur desktop?
  • ^ why are you still on dancraft?
  • I don't think his videos proving u hacking his account doesn't show enough evidence or is not true. I believe u.