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Donator Ranks
  • Hello fellow users of DanCraft have you noticed a long time ago the rank (Gold) was $25?Are you one of the people who have bought the rank for $25 because I am one of them.Have you noticed they are now selling (Gold) for $15?Im badbone11 and a long time ago when gold was just $25 I bought it for that price.Now since its $15 and people are buying it how is that fair to the ones who have bought the rank for $25 in the past and now people are buying it for $15 in the present?I would like to say people who have bought the rank for $25 in the past deserve a little extra because it isn't fair now that people now can get it for $15.So what was the extra $10 then in the past?Will all you past gold donators who have bought gold for $25 stand up and rise with me and say a little extra to get more extra since the rank is now $15?
  • "Will all you past gold donators who have bought gold for $25 stand up and rise with me and say a little extra to get more extra since the rank is now $15?"

    So cringy :/
  • Omg no way you lost $10. #riot4dayzm9