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why the fuck r some of u giving Izzy a second chance?
  • Izzy's had all her chances, especially with me. She's had at least 10 chances with me. I don't like her anymore. You know why? She just uses u as a 'friend'. All she cares about is her island and herself. Izzy is just a selfish little brat. She doesn't belong on this server, she is one of a lot of people who make Dancraft toxic. She is a very rude girl and needed to be brought up properly. I know how her parents brought her up. I've never told anyone this, neither have screenshots, but Izzy last week told me to strip and send a nude of me to her. Please stay away from this horrible girl and don't even communicate with her.
  • Illana yes pls :)
  • Jk fam it's just a prank (gone SEXUAL)
  • She called me a paedophile lol.
  • Lol Jasmine. She's probably one herself. She's asking me personal questions and shes only '10'
  • You know I wouldn't mind some pics >:)

  • who is Izzy?
  • TheCuteDuckling is Izzy
  • @benhennessy I remember going through her account posts in the forums and one link takes to her Facebook page.

    P.S. She doesn't break "bois'" hearts, she breaks their eyes.
  • Markowl, you used to be iLiekRice?
  • http://prntscr.com/ao07q8
    http://prntscr.com/ao089t can we just bring these screenshots up again pls
  • made my evening, thx
  • Does TheDrunkDuckling make DC toxic?
  • I'm Christian, I definitely don't make the server toxic. I go to church every Sunday.
  • I'm a decent human being.
  • Im Islamic, i pray to allah everyday, i blow shit up.

    Doesnt matter if ur religious, you could be toxic either way.
  • I've never met a Christian which is a bitch. The majority of my family are christian or catholic, a couple atheist. I'm just saying Im not like really rude, like telling people to kill themselves. Im against stuff like that.
  • LOL. You remind me of Anita Sarkeesian. One moment, she says she doesn't like games, the next, she's saying she's been playing video games her whole life. You may not tell people to kill themselves, but you're definitely rude. Let's see, you've told people to go die in a hole. You've said, "FUCK YOU ALL." Yea, you must be the sweetest angel, huh? So, you've never met a Christian whose a bitch, eh? I'm guessing you've never looked at a mirror before. But hey! I'm not exactly a good boy either.

    And another thing. I don't think it's wise for you to support Izzy and have a thread with the title, "why the fuck r some of u giving Izzy a second chance?" It's a bit hypocritical, don't ya think?
  • lol Izzy I've definatly met one christian who's a bitch :)