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Top 10 Balances Suggestion
  • I am suggesting that maybe there could be a reward for "Top Ten Balances", or a reward for having over $10 million. Because players that have achieved a place in"Top Ten Balances", have worked very hard for this or over $10 million. And it gives a player a motive to try to get to "Top Ten Balances" or over $10 million. I am not sure what the reward could be. Maybe a crate key or something less over powered like a another plot on prison, a pet on the DanCraft network or a free trail?

    I hope you don't think just because I am in "Top Ten Balances", I am making this suggestion. I hope that you implement this suggestion. Let me know what you think in the comments below and what you think the reward could be.

    Thank You,
  • Interesting suggestion. However, my balance is less than 100k and I'm still worth more than 10 mil (this includes my 3 igs and my whole skyblock).
  • hmm well u need 2 make money from the igs :/ xD

  • D:, I dont wanna sell em'
  • You don't have to, what do you think IGs are for? There for making money.
  • Isn't having a lot of money a reward itself? You could do so much with that much cash, so there's no need for rewards
  • Thank You for the feedback!
  • I'd like the trail/pet thing..
  • Thank You! I'm just saying that the players wouldn't get all those things there just some ideas!