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Rank Suggestion (updated).
  • On my last suggestion about ranks people have been worried about everyone then having a rank, so I have come up with a new idea...

    I propose that when you buy a rank you get create key(s) or money/tokens/credits. I have come up with an idea for a list of things for each rank:

    Gold rank, you receive: $250000 in-game, 250000 tokens on prison, 1 crate key that costs under $4 and 250 credits.

    Diamond rank, you receive: $500000 in-game, 500000 tokens on prison, 2 crate keys that costs under $4 and 500 credits.

    Emerald rank, you receive: $750000 in-game, 750000 tokens on prison, 1 crate key of any type and 750 credits.

    Obsidian rank, you receive: $1000000 in-game, 1000000 tokens on prison, 3 crate keys of any type and 1000 credits.

    Lots of these ideas will need to be finalized if implemented. Please let me know what you think in the comments.

    Thank you,
  • You really want to make the ranks overpower the nonranks. This is just pure... I don't even know a good word to describe it. Anyways, this will not be added. Hate to break it to you, but Dan won't even read this.
  • Lol it's just a suggestion, and Slidde I haven't seen you in months!
  • Hey I didn't read your ign. Same here... hey man!
  • Too much money.
  • I doubt Dan would incorporate such high prices in the game, he wants this version to be more like an economy, adding high prices like that would disrupt the balance that is happening right now. An influx like that would kill the servers' economy.
  • El_Goat_Beeeeeeh, I have $61 million in-game, $1 million in-game money really wouldn't make a difference and to other players they would still have hardly anything compared to people with other $10 million in-game.
  • take this L
  • k give it back
  • Dude this will get DC on the EULA list
  • How? I believe due to other things on the server it may be put on the EULA list anyway.
  • EULA's not gonna effect DC.
  • Are those rewards given everytime you buy a rank?
  • El_goat_Beeeeeh no just a few if it gets implemented.
  • k give it back
  • like the idea bc Obsidian gets money money! lol
  • Disagree, if they do install this, this makes the EULA have more reasons to blacklist Dancraft
  • Yeah but EULA can already probably list this on blacklisted so it doesn't matter. :/
  • But it would bring more attention to this server
  • -1, if this is implemented then #RIPDC
  • Lol why? EULA?
  • -1 Its to overpowered and such, also why does Obsidian rank get 100k while emerald gets 750k?
  • "-1/+1" don't do shit
  • paksjr It was meant to be 1mil, I have changed it to 1mil.
  • da sucks balls he isn't gonna incorporate shit same with cubs those hores
  • dude take a class in modern english jesus christ