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Breeya will explain more
  • Hey admins I found out that there are hackers hacking Ppl island and taking there stuff it happened to me , Cowgirlmads , PainfulPandaPvpz and more
    Please found out the hackers It will really help skyblock
    Comment : #FindTheHackers and comment if they stole stuff from u to
  • It's not possible to hack someone's island, someone must be trolling ;P
  • @SpacePenis_C9
    I only have 2 people added to my island, iiConfetti and Breeya1. Grace (iiConfetti) hasn't been on for a few days and I know she hasn't been on as I talk to her through social media and Bree wouldn't do something like that because she got quite annoyed as someone did it to her too.
    It's actually so annoying, I flew around my island trying to find my hidden items and clues for like 30 minutes. xD
    AND they almost killed Oddy because they placed him in a tree and he nearly fell and died. :((
  • Odd.

    Back in v4, Darkia's (Ben's) island was terminated and he didn't even disband it......
  • xD, I bet its Kubsz Or Dan.
    But don't ya'll think its suspicios it only EVER happend when Bree was added? I bet she made her 1 herself.
  • @PainfulPandaPvpz Yes but i wasnt added to Max's island was I so its obviously not me. I may be added but I have no use for the spawners or anything and whoever is doing it is doing it for fun. I wouldn't wind people up just for the sake of it. I'm helping people figure out who is doing this and It happened to me a few days ago with my rabbit spawner + horses. No of course I didn't make myself one that would be a lil stupid don't ya think. And If I wanted all this stuff I have enough money to buy it all so I would just do that. I have no use for the things that've been stolen but @Junglezz has an idea who he thinks it might be.
  • who does @junglezz think it is then lol
  • Madie I've been through like 7 clients and not one of them have island hacks :P
  • ages ago when there was some sorta bug where ppl had access to chests on everyones island, twas a really long time ago, porbs not same thing
  • in fact definitely not.
  • How do they even hack to your island?
  • Idk who it is
  • I don't know what it is or who's doing it, but it's actually so annoying, so please stop whoever it is. xD
  • hey mads
  • and btw its been me lol
  • lol fpapa just randomly putting it out there xD "its been me lol"
  • xD they still dont know and iv said it 2 times already xD