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FaZe - Ulti clan.
  • FaZe sucks udders in CSGO.
  • CryptoSmash/SuperSmashJacob app

    IGN: CryptoSmash
    Skill: 7/10 PVP 9/10 Bow Skill
    Gear: 50% Prot 3+, 30% Reg, 20% OP gear. Sword: Sharp 3 FA 1
    Diamonds: around 10 a month
    I dont betray and i think i will be a good addition to the team. Please pick me :)
  • IGN: KenshiPVP
    SKILL: I'm good with combo's and bows
    GEAR RATING: It's not bad gear, have some op swords.
    GEAR: Really op swords
    DIAMONDS/VALUABLES: I have around 10 or so diamonds
    ARMOUR RATING: Pretty good.
    I WILL: Pvp a lot, I'm on ulti every day
    I WONT: Not follow orders.
  • Hi, due to my other companion not being on, I have to do the posts. We have decided to accept the following two players in to the clan:
    Owner> _Valiant_
    Application manager> __Valiant
    Leader> _Valiant_
    Player of the year>
    Officer> Combosdude
    Officer> RoyalFreakiNL
    Recruit> PvP_Phoenix
    Member> KenshiPvP
    Member> CryptoSmash
    Member> iCola
    Member> JarvoJr
    Member> Madtiger123
    Member> cocolish11
    Member> Elemental_PandaZ
    Member> Sf_The_Gh0st

    Waiting List 1>
    Waiting List 2>
    Waiting List 3>
    Waiting List 4>
    Waiting List 5>
    Waiting List 7>
    PREMIUM MEMBER ONLY Waiting List 8>
    PREMIUM MEMBER ONLY Waiting List 9>
    PREMIUM MEMBER ONLY Waiting List 10>
    We're now full but you can join the waiting list!
  • Kick someone and add me fam, I left Hype cuz Jack quit.
  • Hi, due to my other companion not being on, I have to do the posts. We have decided to accept the following two players in to the clan:
    Owner> _Valiant_
    Application manager> __Valiant
    Leader> _Valiant_
    Player of the year>
    Specialist> TightPvP
    Officer> Combosdude
    Officer> RoyalFreakiNL
    Recruit> PvP_Phoenix
    Recruit> Awestar
    Member> KenshiPvP
    Member> CryptoSmash
    Member> iCola
    Member> JarvoJr
    Member> ItzjustpinqHD
    Member> cocolish11
    Member> Elemental_PandaZ
    Member> HippyGaming

    Waiting List 1>
    Waiting List 2>
    Waiting List 3>
    Waiting List 4> (Reserved)
    Waiting List 5> (Reserved)
    Waiting List 7> (Unavailable)
    PREMIUM MEMBER ONLY Waiting List 8>
    PREMIUM MEMBER ONLY Waiting List 9> (Unavailable)
    PREMIUM MEMBER ONLY Waiting List 10> (Reserved)
    We're now full but you can join the waiting list!
  • Owner> _Valiant_
    Application manager> __Valiant
    Leader> _Valiant_
    Player of the year>
    Specialist> TightPvP
    Officer> Combosdude
    Officer> RoyalFreakiNL
    Recruit> PvP_Phoenix
    Recruit> Awestar
    Member> KenshiPvP
    Member> CryptoSmash
    Member> iCola
    Member> JarvoJr
    Member> ItzjustpinqHD
    Member> cocolish11
    Member> Elemental_PandaZ
    Member> HippyGaming
  • Lemme join
  • Wow this is the longest forum page i have ever seen btw tldr
  • Clan now 4 opvpp
  • Count me in buudy xP
  • hey there buudy chuum paal frieend amiigo
  • If you take one more diddly darn step i'll have to gosh diddly darn SNAP YOUR NECK
    that part always gets to me
  • I would like to apply

    Ign: picasso80
    Benefits: I can record.
    I am decent at pvp.
    I have lots of p4 and sharp 4 swords.
    I can donate to the clan.
    I am very active and I play daily.
  • Owner> _Valiant_
    Application manager>
    Player of the year>
    Officer> Combosdude
    Officer> RoyalFreakiNL
    Recruit> Awestar
    Member> KenshiPvP
    Member> CryptoSmash
    Member> iCola
    Member> cocolish11
    Member> Elemental_PandaZ
    Member> HippyGaming
    Players have been kicked out because of inactiveness.
  • Picasso80, welcome to FaZe, we've decided to accept you in to the clan!
  • -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
    FaZe - Clan now open on OP PVP!!!
  • ▒▒▒▄▄▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▄▄
  • Cringy af panda :/
  • ULTI;

    IGN: SirJamin
    Skill: I'd say 8.5 out of 10 in skill/pvp.
    Gear: I wear P4 mostly all of the time, and when I need to, I wear P6 and I carry sharp 5, fire 2 and when I need to, sharp 6's.
    Diamonds: A stack of diamonds (not block ;/) and 6.

    OP PVP;

    IGN: SirJamin
    Skill: 8.5 out of 10
    Gear: I ALWAYS wear kit op gear, (P5) and ALWAYS have around 7 sets in reserve of P5. I also carry a Sharp 5 axe (named :3) and a kit op sword.
    Gapples; I have 6 and a half stacks of enchanted god apples, going for 8 stacks :P

    I will (try to) be loyal and if I see other FaZe members, I will definitely help them out!

    Your boy,

  • SirJamin, accepted.
  • good god, this clan is huge 0_0