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PLESE, let fix dancraft.
  • dancraft is struggleing. It has no mods, player counts are dropping. this server could be making dan somuch more money if he would get staff, be more active, and answer emails. I have contacted him months ago to try to get my rank on all of the servers, but he never responded. That is something that I bought and it was never given to me. If your gunna sell something sell it right. Best buy couldent just sell a tv without the cords, and if they did they would fix it.
    Many people have said that this server is crap now and I don't want that to happen.
  • opps posted before I was done
  • Well, dancraft said its getting a better anticheat... that wont fix hacking. You need people online that can catch hackers, cause if your a good hacker you wont get caught by the anticheat.

    Dan and Kubzs, please if you cant be active get a staff team. If you take your time finding the right people, this server could grow so much.

  • I apologize, they did respond but it took awhile
  • no go away hackers are helping the community
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  • Message removed by administrator