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Does anyone know me?
  • Hello, and most of everyone knows me as the Notorious Hacker. Why am I am on DanCraft, and hacking? For attention. "-Note to Kubz." If you would like to ban me again, you can, but I can always unban my self. If I do get accepted as to check for hackers, and be able to ban them, then I will stop hacking perminatley. Is this a lie? No, I will not be lying about the fact that I will stop hacking. Why is the main reason to hack? I want to cause Chaos until I am able to ban hackers my self. Those who read my post, Reach out to Kubz about the decision. What happens if you say no Kubz? Well, I don't think you will like the income of it. Anyways, I am here to break the server, and I know hacking is definitely not meant to put you're self in a staff position.
    Am I asking for OP? No, I just want to be able to, /ban, /tempban, /kick, /mute, and etc so we can keep the server clean. Thank you for reading this whole thread. Yes, I can keep up to date with peoples reports of hackers.
  • Seems Legit.
  • "Notorious Hacker" my ass, there are tons of better hackers than you. Go back somewhere else, kiddo. "Keep the server clean" DO YOU REALIZE THE HYPOCRACY HERE? And you're here to break the server, huh? 1) You think we give a shit, since DC is half dead already? 2) You think you're mature, huh? Just that very sentence of you sayin you're here to break the server reveals your stupidity and how egotistic you are. You think you can go up against the staff here, kiddo? You really wanna play with fire like this? You better not, so sit your ass down. And what kind of twisted reason is "I want to cause chaos until I'm able to ban hackers myself" NO ONE WILL LISTEN TO YOU, ARE YOU LIKE, MENTALLY CHALLENGED? And if you think you can just get yourself unbanned over and over, have you heard of an IP Ban? Even if you manage to dodge an IP Ban, we can still report you over and over. So take your stupid client, your fucking ego, your stupid twisted reasons, and your shitty hypocracy, and get the fuck out of Dancraft.
  • Your ego and arrogance is killing me.
  • And I was the one who got you banned, and I'll do it again and again.
  • @xXGreemKingXx This pile of dirt is not legit, don't listen to it.
  • And you want attention? How cute, why don't you go back to your parents kiddo? I HATE how arrogant, selfish, and incomptent you are acting. You think you're better than everyone else, you think that you can trample over people so that you can enjoy yourself, and you think that everyone should just bow down to you and that you're good enough to convince Dan and Kubsz to make you staff? I just can't. I just can't comprehend how someone could act so self-centered and arrogant.
  • You piss me off.
  • I don't really like to comment on threads such as these but you're quite the comedian. You're not a notorious hacker nor are you any good at wavering things your way. Installing a hacked client requires less skill than using the word "income" properly - but everyone knows what income means... Right? Oh.

    I'm aware you had "good intentions" but you'll learn that in life it's never a good idea to take the side of the trouble makers. Hacking won't get you noticed and/or respected. Grow up and play fairly like the majority of the community does. You've received a permanent ban but that shouldn't be a problem as you can go ahead and unban yourself with your mystical powers. Treat this as a life lesson.

    (P.S. We've got some updates coming soon!)
  • OH SHIT DAN SLAYED. Oh, and Tsuch was kind of savage too I guess...
  • "Notorious hacker." Never heard of ya.
  • Greem no chill
  • This bitch got smoked.