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Good-Bye DC - DillPickle199
  • Well, I'm leaving because 1: Kubsz just can't run this server 2: too much god damn freakin HACKERS!!! FFS!!! 3: the server doesn't have very good community example: I go like "Hey Guys" the people i don't even know go like "I hate you kys" and yeah.

    I'm saying good-bye to some people. Not ones like MrAsianGamer that dumb ass racist.

    Good-Bye to:

    And I forgot a lot of names I know that. Well Good-Bye DC I'll come on every once in a while. :(
  • Why the hell did I put this post in general?
  • To get more attention. No one looks at Intros and Farewells.
  • I dc about attention. I was just saying good-bye.
  • I didn't mean it in a bad way. Im saying you posted this so more people will know that you're leaving.