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Whats the point of bans?
  • Hackers have alts, alt tokens (MCLeaks), VPN's. You name it. This server will always have hackers no matter the intensity of the anti-cheat :P
  • Even though hackers find holes to climb though, and come back with disturbance to the community. You should always try to get rid of them. Never Give up Hope!!
  • fuck off blizzard
  • Come on now LSTIDNTY let's not get toxic. Making players happy on the server and a welcoming Community is my highest priority
  • Ugh! Your kindness! My narcissism can't handle it!
  • I have faith for this server, I know it can be great again!
  • A lot of people are getting banned for no reason. They aren't hacking, and its due to issues with the resources the server is using. Too many bugs. If the server would focus on the main hackers that would be one thing but it constantly bans people for nothing.
  • Bliz you seem like a cool dude I'm sorry
  • "I have faith for this server, I know it can be great again!"


    Stormy 2016!
  • LSTIDNTY is a cheater xd
  • @StormyBlizzard Good luck with keeping your faith. DC's been at it's worst ever since that Colossus Update.