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  • Dancraft Complaints:

    New Ban System: Personally I believe that this Auto-Ban is a good upgrade, however I dislike it because it had AutoBanned me whilst I was playing legit.

    Lack of Staff: The lack of staff has almost always been a problem and people are beginning to think the server is only get a half effort into making it better. I think you should trail a few players, they dont need to have never been banned but honest players who will help out the community and check forums.

    Factions/Skyblock: Player Numbers have dropped on these servers serveerly over the past few months, I remembered logging on to find atleast over 20 Players online, however now I see around 5-15. For Factions I also believe a good idea would be to add Spawners back to the shop.

    New Gamemode: KitPvP is a gamemode of which very, very, very, few people play I'd probably consider if its possible changing that gamemode to a Dancraft Classic- Dangames which is revamped so its less Pay2Win and gives all players the same Armour but different weapons (The weapon sharpness increases by one per rank)

  • and i would also like to get more succs than i usually do